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How Does This Work?

You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.

The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.

That's the short version.

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We believe so, but you decide.

But My Secret Data!

No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?

Spike alert from google

Discussion in 'Support' started by Major Broil, Jul 22, 2019.

  1. I just realized that I do no longer receiving data (or sending data) for outgress stats. Everything stopped on july 12h after 5 days of sending data to outgress. I received also at the same time a "spike alert" from gsuite team:

    "Dear G Suite Administrator,
    You have an admin alert about Spike in user-reported spam that requires your attention. Please view alert details in G Suite Alert Center.

    The G Suite Team"
    My account is a company acccount that I own.
    When I go back in gmail accoung outgress if flaggued as "application not valid", non-secure" and authenticity not recognized".

  2. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    Not sure what a spike alert is... but can you send a screenshot of your forwarding rule in your Gmail settings?
  3. Here are the "forwarding" rules and "Filters and blocked addresses"



    Attached Files:

  4. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Administrator Staff Member Illuminator Enlightened L15

    Everything looks good there. Are you sure it's not forwarding emails it should? Have you received any email damage reports from Niantic recently? If so, can you double check the email address they are coming from is ingress-support@nianticlabs.com ? Not sure why it would be different for you, but that would be the thing to check first.
  5. As of today, still not working. What I did is take my niantic attack report back from spam to my folder, rerun the "import your historical email damage reports" and authorize Outgress to get access to my email. I don't know what worked but I was able to get an update. Is it normal that the niantic goes right in the spam bin?