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How Does This Work?

You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.

The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.

That's the short version.

Is This Allowed?

We believe so, but you decide.

But My Secret Data!

No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?

Shin Okubo Sunshine Mural 

Okubo Dori, 2 Chome Hyakuninchō, Shinjuku-ku, Tōkyō-to 169-0073, Japan

** Some agent names blurred until you log in.
Jan 11, 2025
Jan 9, 2025
Dec 30, 2024
Dec 2, 2024
Dec 1, 2024
Dec 1, 2024
Nov 17, 2024
Nov 11, 2024
Oct 9, 2024
Aug 30, 2024
This is not exhaustive information about the portal, Shin Okubo Sunshine Mural. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
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    Agents who have owned this portal:
  1. 00X8X00
  2. 3bahts
  3. 9dot
  4. a9px666
  5. akira0714
  6. akira1506
  7. Ama1gam
  8. Ami1102
  9. annapapa
  10. arukuwith
  11. AV1REX
  12. Benzyaminben
  13. blsubno6
  14. blueeing
  15. bono2
  16. boudu
  17. byname
  18. carpboya47
  19. CASVALvengeance
  20. chiezochiezo
  21. chumGZL
  22. clareza
  23. collelog
  24. crossflare
  25. daiskeh
  26. DANK777
  27. debord068
  28. DeekTokyo2000
  29. dilemma
  30. drinkbarsetde
  31. dump
  32. EmbraceKamo
  33. eZume
  34. Falvashy
  35. fanks84
  36. format09
  37. gamsic
  38. GeoHippo
  39. greeeenwhale
  40. gudeko
  41. H4N833
  42. haaaaaz
  43. hanahegi
  44. hawkhunter2014
  45. heiwanoshisya
  46. higamm
  47. hiroyuki0
  48. hocklaw
  49. IDE2501
  50. ido22
  51. Iesaka
  52. IL60007
  53. incriminated
  54. isitu
  55. isospu
  56. j0529
  57. jedaimaster
  58. jpnharry
  59. kabudai
  60. kageyuki
  61. kakudaya
  62. kamekame2nd
  63. kananeko
  64. kappagroove
  65. kazuiGP01
  66. ken10719
  67. kentosho
  68. klein1106
  69. Knifores
  70. knmtcc
  71. KoalaMoves
  72. KOBAX1979
  73. kobytiger
  74. komame0323
  75. konozama999
  76. kurokurotokage
  77. Kutsusita
  78. LeviaEnko
  79. madarako
  80. madonekaz
  81. MagicalThorn
  82. makoto7158
  83. mamemomumi
  84. mandrill7272
  85. ManusiaBiasa
  86. mariaclarisse
  87. masenex
  88. masmountain
  89. matatabineco
  90. matsus
  91. mbtmkr
  92. micciciBLUE
  93. mikokick
  94. mirandahya
  95. miyukage
  96. mkyota
  97. moccolimorimori
  98. moma136
  99. momo99momo
  100. moomin2009
  101. MoonChildSU
  102. muchoco
  103. naonaon
  104. nibaoni
  105. nipotan
  106. nistep
  107. nozomu7
  108. oike
  109. oldtoothpick
  110. Pandam0n1um
  111. Panther160
  112. Parafield
  113. PenguinManju
  114. phalaeno
  115. pika0001
  116. pinktanzaniteV2
  117. poepuu
  118. polypoly
  119. poncafe7
  120. Ponizovje
  121. PrettyUcccchy
  122. radisyu
  123. RCF8128
  124. recaldent3000
  125. ReiiNoki
  126. Robosan99
  127. rotundifolia
  128. rumczos
  129. sakuraTrance
  130. sankou01515
  131. sayusayudoll
  132. sc08cb
  133. sea00162
  135. selfdev
  136. sencyou
  137. shaonv
  138. shichishito
  139. shinme03
  140. shirojiro
  141. shutoko
  142. Sincerely2304
  143. sisquiede
  144. sninsan
  145. sottianje
  146. sutsu
  147. tafofo
  148. taigasan
  149. taiyakiume
  150. takatakataka3
  151. takoyakitan
  152. TaoChang
  153. teriyakisan
  154. thaumazein
  155. tohrujulie
  156. tommy0401
  157. tomoshita
  158. tripleradio
  159. ucchy023
  160. uiuitaka
  161. urakawa
  162. ushion
  163. Vulture3
  164. whitewolf2015
  165. xeonlight
  166. yattinn
  167. YKondoh
  168. yoichigmf
  169. yudejiru
  170. Yukichey
  171. YUKIKAZE05003
  172. yukke918
  173. zack1981
  174. zacky3
  175. zeustake
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You must be logged in to view who has claimed this portal.
The ability to manage agents in your area of play is a feature reserved for "Commander" premium users.