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How Does This Work?

You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.

The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.

That's the short version.

Is This Allowed?

We believe so, but you decide.

But My Secret Data!

No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?

中目黒 鉄のオブジェ 

2 Chome-1-2 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku, Tōkyō-to 153-0051, Japan

** Some agent names blurred until you log in.
Dec 11, 2024
Oct 22, 2024
Oct 12, 2024
Oct 12, 2024
This is not exhaustive information about the portal, 中目黒 鉄のオブジェ. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
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    Agents who have owned this portal:
  1. 00052
  2. 0PEC
  3. 122tm
  4. 1900012
  5. 20150213
  6. 290naenae
  7. 39696
  8. 4771ma
  9. 8620F
  10. abletonlive
  11. akira0714
  12. alexfcc
  13. angelfly09
  14. aphaenops
  15. attesa
  16. Banish777
  17. barharbor22
  18. baskinglion
  19. Blanchots
  20. bloodmusic
  21. BMC222
  22. CeanO
  23. ceylonuva
  24. chachahana5588
  25. chobta
  26. cisumart
  27. clomi9999
  28. collelog
  29. cowcowjap
  30. debord068
  31. deeelite
  32. dinoferrari
  33. duckchan
  34. edge1974
  35. Ehot77
  36. Elbereth777
  37. fe0gum
  38. foopeace
  39. frostpenguin
  40. Fugo85
  41. fullmoontaka
  42. Gesichtiiiitak
  43. gggami
  44. ghostGP
  45. gooooolem
  46. hameggch
  47. HappyTatuku
  48. hide1024
  49. HiroshiSugawara
  50. hirosnow0418
  51. hiyomonyo
  52. hoehoe00
  53. iCarrot
  54. imaginator2014
  55. inoueaa
  56. inzuzo
  57. IwillPissUoff
  59. JMoyaj36
  60. joexfromxmars
  61. jumbotanishi
  62. JustTheEnl
  63. kacha109
  64. kamipedia
  65. kashiwamochiwin
  66. kazuiisogai
  67. keitaro2010
  68. Kemusu
  69. ken3199
  70. keniida
  71. kincyub
  72. kja77
  73. knmtcc
  74. kobou1
  75. koganinjya
  76. kogorou
  77. ktx0630
  78. kumagoroh2000
  79. kurokenkuroken
  80. kuzira245
  81. laneigeblanche
  82. lazycat1
  83. Lightning0825
  84. lllllxlllll
  85. lot48
  86. ltlzual
  87. lunacomo
  88. MagicianXM
  89. mahamahazun
  90. MartinDontak
  91. masenex
  92. mattun0924
  93. mb8654
  94. medicalfeeling
  95. MEGANE110
  96. Merpatra
  97. mersel
  98. metalrhinoAya
  99. millenium76
  100. mimizun
  101. minanagala
  102. mino423
  103. misonicomi
  104. Mitizane
  105. mnakamur
  106. muratafanclub
  107. N180040
  108. naaak1026
  109. nabro3yuki
  110. nakdum
  111. NaomiNAKANO
  112. natoris
  113. nbhrmr0719
  114. NGC1952
  115. NiceDancer
  116. nukodon
  117. obrhal
  118. okomerice
  119. onkyodo
  120. orca1963
  121. OSAgent
  122. outsmart
  123. PBRS
  124. pinger2
  125. PiPeria
  126. pisukey
  127. pokeo99999
  128. poncafe7
  129. ponsukenet
  130. poohlin17
  131. porktamago
  132. portugueseman
  133. rank0105
  134. RisingSunTQ
  135. riyuno
  136. rothschild1960
  137. ryu00001
  138. sakukazu
  139. sanadakomusume
  140. satussy10
  141. sayusayudoll
  142. scotchcask
  143. seitan19
  144. sevaschan
  145. sgapon
  146. Shadow803
  147. SIKIsinku
  148. SinHazumi
  149. sino777
  150. SnowMei
  151. square14
  152. STAKU
  153. switchmarket
  154. T1TANIK
  155. tafofo
  156. takonomakura
  157. TakuanOishii
  158. tamoru
  159. Tatsunami
  160. Tatuku
  161. therhfactor
  162. tigzo
  163. timorgecallaw
  164. tohrujulie
  165. tooroo
  166. toreeno
  167. tosshyta
  168. tsunor
  169. tsuyoshih
  170. TTYdriver
  171. unoxunoxunox
  172. urchincat
  173. vinzax
  174. waahwaka
  175. waveriver
  176. wayousan
  177. yakisobadaisuki
  178. YakultSwallows
  179. yamakagacy
  180. yambow
  181. yattinn
  182. yebisuwaumaine
  183. yogo1
  184. yone001
  185. yone098
  186. yoroniku
  187. ytatsu
  188. yu0225
You must be logged in to see the notes for this portal.
You must be logged in to view who has keys for this portal.
You must be logged in to view who has claimed this portal.
The ability to manage agents in your area of play is a feature reserved for "Commander" premium users.