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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
Outgress Global Activity Leaderboard
The Global Activity Leaderboard is an Ingress activity leaderboard based on incoming email damage reports from Outgress users in the last 30 days. Not every user is displayed on the leaderboard (users don't show on the leaderboard by default, you need to specifically opt-in under your privacy settings to qualify for display here). Leaderboards are updated hourly.