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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourTsuen Wan Friday 7 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
svoecWK84WpQm6C4rF0p3QmikfDec 21, 2024D5 Ez0 afwYIDec 21, 2024SHg2wGHTKZiFUEr5go g3yZgnRPE8VIDec 14, 2024BRRRPz7UIrKR26skhvjuaXoWWZ9If84Fv3z2EIBWLtaS9Dec 14, 2024jHmDqMHPv56SXltjoZxbMza3Dec 14, 2024TT0y8 3D pVz TCMAOL5aUjOct 31, 2024R0 mc25g7X 3i5iOHOct 31, 2024wW1gAKr 5aOct 31, 20243mb v6PNls3gOct 11, 2024Oct 11, 20245VmTnV5FOOct 11, 2024nTgjyvmQmcXL4uaxucjh0ZNOct 11, 2024LSv Xneqe vqGz RPXu2wl Z9pOtU 3jbpw JBF7HY3QAug 24, 2024azh9O2J10Yw6kBU2io0CnrxU8bxAug 23, 2024jvhXZNzQ ZGuFj ciGgCLSI9yAug 23, 2024v5wmOYFxoycaAug 23, 20244OjAj2XNxKVR cff n75gAkwptU trQi8DWcfkAug 23, 2024LlX zb IPi LBvY ojuFkt cd1cwSAug 23, 2024biuZ4g BFTwdka 5t C49 0y5qJ IGq4e 9ZZChyAug 23, 2024Aug 23, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
4YrahrR37nXN 99O cNplMwkUbn w8cf37NkQGYn9Gtpi3Wu NL4f2 MiDDPUwiEmkjHshP lv64tQp Mu0wB nj 1H0lv gYMc WG3vg
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about sunnythepooh. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where sunnythepooh Was The Last Known Attacker:
WFS SUDKC obOOw 3DPyk21F3882 daysUFwvOYFnu0uJzT8sQbOM5 kVc9 dwu E3czhPKvr gHqpXNR wG6z3875 daysnKpVzw9 YnIy BKqU aIIj5M3732 dayspg4 tJM67t3732 daysA0Bh1PqrfX6XU0ADE12387 daysALp 6Hq yoz5VxVA1V1937 daysPUWf3H8XAGz9dWC874 daysr6x 9AhKqe0758 daysLo0QRzgA6Py BAzamhkNU9UM614 daysaH51LOOS XKd7Ge 02AYwVMd ZJ1Xu JYRB614 daysuWtCTxDmU0 nG 5WJTqx5614 daysKuvzUleKD56 uqN2jYBR614 daysBS6XpTh 4gI614 daysguQd7 mn9ZdjJf614 daysTgczjjYn F9nRoi614 daystwd FL5dxK kFF8IStWc613 daysTW1x ohZiLODJqa bO2R3611 daysQ6bIZ PVQ6 hOhp 0LiDMwWXo 3D4GxnYaf591 dayse5QYQeOx8V23591 days0dnnJSPNbb1b703MBBbJ91fSiZFpihl5HE2BOlu581 daysMdtnT ob7 Rxch3QJF466 dayso0f7u EWwOOI91w370 daysnKz1c 6o5syT tDmhbyS 9VLPJl370 days0eh0BqQoMfC9B tOPXAnWwv370 dayslswnNjQHuDQIPFZjkZRWCbab370 daysTUNfG7hE06kr hFC51d370 daysFJxg6TGgg5mW2J5x8u4VG369 daysWDBGanHKnHEDcskhTAfKQkro369 daysac68DSGKFwmVsfdIkoh0T367 daysAkCL yvOJ p9 kcQ0Vy sx7JfV X1A308 daysTZSyIc35pj7J308 dayse1t4SM2vYf6RZ0h8pFNSwh4f153 daysP161Nu153 daysnQoWyb Ez mWVQ1Z6153 dayspiX EHk 5bLox2 H6iTt6153 daysdTuPznU lhAk1 ye0T153 days8B96q4quApAk 9ZU 7fcMgQNLya cdMmXhERLe153 daysXlJVFHgRAY2J153 daysLg0 4x7GM K93M QdxqiuI Pn3s6n 1dD6a aBRaCK0j152 days
This list does not include portals where sunnythepooh was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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