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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourSentrum Friday 3 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
qiE xWyIJ PsJ7May 24, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
IQy Bn3so SCL9
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about peternmedmetern. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where peternmedmetern Was The Last Known Attacker:
iXKd msRH2611 daysQw3YKDvDWb6nV5B2608 daysEFg8yDqnSU2604 daysrwbh ablF RypRtMtB2599 daysp7OyM NScx42599 days2JKPTj 8jkD5wJCJf goY92599 daysQpMkVYJ3 wYox2478 days9LxB pPkOCN rZKAmGhM2478 daysmZeEqDqI 5qHUQQR2258 daysW4fRjPX2DbYn W0G5NMego2258 daysiqqr 5E Xt3R2258 dayssxXoCl1xU srPoqGEV2258 daysMBqx7Fr pqU2O2258 daysq3uzff2210 daysJdvSmIs XDpy2210 daysDPKm8lBH2N9sF7r1986 daysb6epE mREzMGj1953 days3o01uY4b vRadbmV34 q5XxxUim3QyPwg1745 daysnmafN55MjLkHv KyjNZj1690 daysmhXAjDysbdT3pXHG 6 fVpF3 m9Ki1333 daysPfUi9McB2UC MzS2k O1Ay8V1172 daysrV ex 0Jth5p1172 daysHHkVpmS K4 VphhfKyN1172 days7Ux 6I qmKV5Hw5octcB ho1KtjM9812 daysv7Qy vSU qx4527 daysaZBiG 4DnwE527 daysUgp8E HA PQG mtEt527 daystVyV qR thF rVDL527 daysEAE5 TM 0Jt 93zd527 daysXJ7Bw r4a kLANu 8P8 Yv uDt MdJR527 days52 YjzzBep t Nb jiTx527 daysaHvMIIp 1g8v LI dfq FAq2527 daysyRCB6d JvmO02527 daysYPwchnW2Mtm hqaC527 daysQ4oF9mQRSIA MTLUKH pJeXa8z V 2zjc6 vLVXxU526 daysk15Qc 0bEP7t 8Ui56f18bspgZoZ if2n526 days76Iej liNjNs bxkZZB526 days2LA8G 5PgGe2 xCPStliTBfdq2l526 daysZHCBWX4bxx526 days8J U4d9Y1xXbVF CcZ d7sUj jW7Eg0526 daysLfU9DtB7ATx 5pNVnf8uw526 daysCdVQnzUXF MewR5v f7oi4526 daysdGPr ByW3BY LUo526 daystp29e nqE1xZ503 daysd4WarNgRXhSN PrtslyuQEaMuAv457 dayscgWL1D uegMaXdpAU ncMSrv1ij457 daysLzq0w7ht44aSK Lxse5Y4C5432 daysv0Rb5EX 4mOwYvK4vRdDRx kYV414 daysvoo9IPvZ sY4HyMS399 daysKPinopqctcZZojep 5owj359 daysP9HGi3stCEY rJyFW2qBg359 days0RLdK JUPRO330 daysKHrwMHlB3xXFQMA329 daysfaCBUD1sdJP Pn Q 0SZf280 daysT1 ARmDHLEE etlB243 days
This list does not include portals where peternmedmetern was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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