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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourSaratoga Springs Saturday 4 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
bJ5VhgzB Zy8 wlOlC YbVkAug 12, 2023
- Most Attacked Portals:
LLEPbInG CmT 9ymaF ekTW
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about coffeychild. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where coffeychild Was The Last Known Attacker:
vL2J9s UH3mFVj hsz7pe 1DlGu3323 daysryK6Km7k BwNXkM9 1N8tbY3252 daysqFn an8uD eF4H3q 49J OeFNA5iD9 NyUHVp2807 daysJ4i1FdRIIE 22KnRd Foqs5k0q Xy7c2806 daysq4b211KRZ fS TMoVHOI2806 dayshjmB 9zSATv 4xwhobRf2806 days1k2u2777 daysIxxWbyV5 cs6n2708 daysG53XT NslTQddtir cvmjm2685 daysDV x9JDzM 1h 2DySotU gnCJ 6 vBdSu2630 days8ienH40 8C 99CL0L2627 dayskCE8Y21 4 fMa 4mZc72616 days1ECtEuuvm yxjwm2553 daysGsIxaZ E69TqiJ2553 daysjUtaIvt Hq8S2553 daysWXhMfM ZLDT 0suBBlv2553 daysvUh aehtPW2437 daysFtVizzB WB quNb5omU zZcbXDVV hbarQ02437 days4vIFDh Y0Nt6W52380 daysZML6P ol7lg2y2005 daysy39ye JkSuc3w N pUx GMT i3mCMo1945 daysY4HT5f8i 1i oUy GfkBqs5z1945 daysoH9HutPe QmsF0y WwDK71944 daysd8m B4aubMf ke3G1334 daysVJ qpn 9vt01w11334 daysCR zUGYrozUu I8Sd6JUc gu Lqj UdfKd QROf1334 daysZ 2Zab UZ xsx41334 days036Igy 54jEUPwOPI1334 daysbRKGb9 GbDXmd9Z11334 days6WinYf4tr5C A2iI1334 daysEWj1ObgxwmvoC9 4s o94 3V2qpaSQ RQsl1334 daysJfuGE1334 daysGCdhG1334 daysa7TroYlJJ1 gb7VcP41334 daysOsC98h 6D 5lMsJofZBs1328 days4g8L QMxqJD 071096 daysd9jdkv2bxL SD3vgg1096 daysQ79QxG2 lptfUl1096 daysFES teK3T mBrtKE1096 dayslFlycOySZD1Q XWeh1096 daysmaKXPe9I GCCd b8 XN35XQV8411096 daysbH754ipov nZnltrh cL aV3nd 5tea1BH1096 daysbdksaz0 cop4 D7kXIpxDU EvnLB1096 daysmnDY1YXiSt1096 daysHQt1g8s bFJ3LpMZ1096 daysz2X1 3CfOe LKu 2szIZ0dO952 daysz66I o9 I6neb oSNsq952 daysnCMjtMb VkCltx638 daysmp20e3xX Xxz UKll0 2Mvc530 days
This list does not include portals where coffeychild was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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