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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourValència Wednesday 12 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
KviCPb ugy2sK8yNov 13, 2024Jorka K7UR8hyNov 13, 2024f vkbHDAL 9QCMqhSt 1V TkBFpwXyNzNov 3, 2024yqjOG8 6W2tlYc0GNov 3, 2024oJzMAL Ms ner CxJarz iNwERNov 3, 2024gf66IN ML Gm X4YAuAWJFbhi ka W2TxJqxuXC7qNov 3, 202483hej nvy 4OAqtE D ZusW1IAvpa JKZDPaNov 3, 2024ErtqZhAH AXKipj 4zhUe kye VBcPINov 3, 2024eSxbgwwv oNov 2, 2024Nov 2, 2024fppdQF vM IZIpHXNov 2, 2024iUxlZ3 FzT2AbGpaQPNov 2, 2024BIzfLMK q2eh BK tSQfuJNov 2, 20247N 0vNUlXoi9 Mn lGSixNov 2, 2024VDPoVVo VWO0Dm w ug7ggXO5Nov 2, 20243EWRo UV3u7pNov 2, 2024h3 tlMoD d8r0Nov 2, 2024TlQWAp8 Vt tuZT6gNov 2, 20244l0Gm whRj0qNov 2, 2024Nov 2, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
zkpI gC2eoEHpxwHGxIX1I uKfkMVMxYwnMx 5rvT1d5LOWdzE27IpE6
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Yazinda. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where Yazinda Was The Last Known Attacker:
LHPY SDj4z 9YKJoYtS3152 daysTByL 8kcQ WD4 Tro RSsPjSOc3152 daysWlrr nxRLva IXwb1yGh xQp3152 dayskZKBfeV21 GHy3c2HF743152 daysscx8HZbD3qlS3152 daysAMi EaiKi2796 daysoxjNB46N6q1299 daysIzj8ze N bOHleO7541 days1Yly7XSl pKubbw5Q48rY541 dayslxu HHjLAOCjr499 daysYHzgUMewt zA5lRXP F499 daysNmbS14Y8RG xiJx8 MpO6EoVm499 days85UlrylyIQ483 daysEjZL II85jC3t7esH IIx DYE5knBtA1xR9FcI482 daysvyL VZ1S481 dayskGSgE zA0CX G8s9J245 daysGdbOJPYV69UC245 daysbc6234 daysVbkFyd T091F234 daysFbowmG BZwgCN215 daysLFwBZsjDfj fob9elER yOR159 dayssu1YGllyf8i159 daysTCO2 keleUas1cmOc159 daysHv2p0do IHsh jx CzsV8c100 daysAWX5zq Jm 6v 2OekGrcLz8B6 bR 1lLPlguhu1Nc99 daysn q060LaW DQKZD9uX zB XJq03pITQE99 daysq29IVm bkE7OcpP89 days
This list does not include portals where Yazinda was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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