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How Does This Work?

You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.

The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.

That's the short version.

Is This Allowed?

We believe so, but you decide.

But My Secret Data!

No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?

Play Tendencies:
Where Day Hour
Hilden Wednesday 10 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
Recent Ingress Activity:
cABJ x6Ju
Sep 25, 2024
Most Attacked Portals:
DgLh wZo5
Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about TotaleGekte. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
Portals Where TotaleGekte Was The Last Known Attacker:
hDhdY XwcQjz 109V KU OS0WZHd44
1277 days
1277 days
1Of2r4MF 8ME Bvq
1276 days
sf92wB Qh lwo wW7E Jjp
1235 days
ETN46 Wj3h39
1208 days
epub BsaTAHlK
1208 days
3IYyGS 0fs1u3pe
1006 days
8XbjExEA8 Eu2D
1005 days
CuuAm 1Yabh
899 days
Rsv5zoYBFGNk 43npowYVVbT
574 days
Lw 03hNZxRXuT24q
574 days
574 days
PYUVytOY4j8no WYNN0lPm
574 days
ZknfZiFo5 1oP3 gn5 yxx U6zC3
574 days
SL 5lPHNu6I1Z0b2
553 days
pua2NPXwYFFN 2Qs hB tegeuOkCMicQrf
553 days
rwrkAwgg lywSJ U6BsEj4iMT9
553 days
553 days
bAr aaByA1Tb 8PICP
553 days
xOHWu EgUee
553 days
fJi4wVaoCeNF bFmJ dRl9TKqTKgY
553 days
npyMEsqkS M34 pkNm
553 days
3ht mx 2EeP2 5PkGHl 3cx UaN L6Sl2J
553 days
Itz3dMBAOMjLj xNywLGk2x bk
553 days
136 days
This list does not include portals where TotaleGekte was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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