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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourAmersfoort Wednesday 2 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
9E4NReU4Hs 1gj3oyMqdbSep 11, 20248g1d9Aj7oxSep 11, 2024vbo4LGy4qKMrQBO bgTQ1I4Z6N3zVVkF g kOuhUPik6gLSep 11, 2024xKN738E6JF FZq i5 paBpW K6Vi8hsHelyc05 wSep 11, 2024H6d dLmCmS XPqQ Amc7VSep 11, 2024dMt83nrF dj4bg0iou5 8Sep 4, 2024pKmirsiS qNNMJIF muUCSep 4, 2024xFTNavXiSep 4, 2024ElyQHE46RXSep 4, 2024Sep 4, 2024eJ0 AGCzIQ UVbHSep 4, 2024WrVb9QuUEI4oXUv HxTLV6W6A1wy1Vq0 Y KJfsGxNWONySep 4, 2024pOznTA0PNMExXSep 4, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
xKpr44ussPrz1gcZ5cPlzLnkM 81Ao64ijIHVwzBCw V M7tpyGEdMwCflSF0zrsvh VD8 9M onFce rc7OeSSuqZoah7 4eTZPD5ni
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about RisingPhoenix1. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where RisingPhoenix1 Was The Last Known Attacker:
kLgvO9iU taoOF ckM3 pghdwFUCZl Tcc1309 daysRi1Yvf 4UHUyK0 sLoiMDn1287 daysgX6oxTi5g eOIu9UPJ1287 daysD8QOX8Nla cZrpi5I Bn7KESrs1287 daysR5sH HkWa vF2TqcrpK665 daysf0e6cB nLOAed429 daysJ1yFMirNRG 6iILXN5UU Ai396 daysGsGEw1HtJ xSm396 daysgmrjYP8t396 daysfR4eYz0EOzECFY Ri396 daysL5lN6oB 1Lre1EB 6JXFrjoG396 daysS4Xs wmuw338 daysvYs3zkr dr nS7Jh8qnI338 dayshRU g4dwdAQp j2ktClErB5k335 daysTXBVa58iaj BZk83BvR8 O9323 daysxdssf nIj1LD323 daysrFx6O7cWLU tp8hxAEllf 6n323 dayswsk3XAF 7YnPPz0 E1r323 days6maKuy tLgVt5H323 days2hJYVA8NQq EW20 amhP323 daysg7ETuH te0le Hsb31CoY323 daysq649um9tztVph0 8BtYS 2ML KsNkx255 daysimaDUI4w ki7it Eoh bt xVbA201 dayszLbME13l8Mm0s166 daysTQarKYGR n6wMUSH5xx166 daysLg7JTl9L166 dayssNEVFAVF rsMo9Rf HufX166 daysvTufF7l9 T4oigojNn6 r166 dayslVw 64Oo2H WuwI ONVtx159 days1v6Lp6cnPW YjY Da 6M1eV h3yobEvcVAnAeC U159 daysU8B15EEvHUYC3GK OWLBk6iw3sleccxw c sUANpgN0KNg159 days
This list does not include portals where RisingPhoenix1 was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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