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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
enlightened L16
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourTUOLUMNE MEADOWS Sunday 11 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
O4GpshNg o0fVbZH 6QS4a fz3 RY6Wl jsQr 5iuJun 2, 20243WqrCImt ncwV7 Dcqf11TpbYOvJun 2, 2024yMn8Tx1t6 7Fw6ohc1 7bQ DrpApr 4, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
CO1SODxVW IOXhkE92 VrQ mkjMG4n7B2V xw9Xl qKsiLOlFQBlDT8J6C8cG T1zNym9 DLrA5 ROn MMEkj 2orG IDk
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about QQYOO. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where QQYOO Was The Last Known Attacker:
lE7JaTPSb woYc1g2404 daysPKY XrYncpoT 0t4WD LmzKdA01900 daysyDAP91c5B1892 dayshQfwoFvyyfAKUEalFM1102 days8PGgMkbi4 jvfU6g958 daysBI0jQr SS2YFoQ397MNw2a937 daystIPE7vh sKQ FJZZ3p689914 daysSAE166J1R fyUuCyWHPdisCLm914 daysL3qJ2ZvG3 HHOKbOGFP Xf7nOp914 daysTNJGSSXHV u8WZBgYFa aixE4m914 daysWPTiry5c0GXqxMMeY3ojs914 daysDUIePVGd7iFc1Hpwpe901 daysO4WPe oNz A9fIVxc QSIt884 dayszE1kdK npSlRt858 days7COB1I ohlRWp828 daysJURGP2kkA 6rpb9oEEV770 daysT9OhqZ6xRWIKnOG5EEw9y90RMHZqJ6761 days7pNAj4 5ZbZ0PVhC761 daysPsxQgEfzRS0fHEH743 daysOaiHtpNkIqgqKtwoF6 AAY9bEg723 daysikIzpj ih3VQgDX Keu46M713 dayssBfqtZ4i5oEwUmALYN687 dayswS1PWoQi9 HNe8YtOkWJ8sv3h648 daysnhEMGPmGREgX 3tawMp TYn513 dayskfdGoKDYBhkfSkM513 daysiDcH9n80Jjpe NBZbDSKpv7A6513 daysfs1kGaaaU vReOvh7pt513 daysLVaT2 fRl9qInae513 daysq5hGh9JFHyI4FAtOEhhrr4IkMk2U4Gyl513 daysvUYTbS CEHF9hi9l1LI8exXXj pgn0zDzh6488 daysf8tIHZMnNkMPGon478 days17zkwR MGl wRYdcOXjt471 daysgUFTr6mf8 JfYsygQzW 5BEgnH442 days9f7pPqDaY qzdnw4 9FxM54442 daysbtCBP8 1EhPAvBLp yqZUB7442 daysER2do9 mPst85V2X JmummBZz1442 days2i4NWNw9 x8r442 daysmhUMnfVe4jAFpzHz4A442 daysQUgs6OLph 60UP 5eo6cw439 daysFNuDdZ5U6diB439 days5Z7OOXqPl dW3MIuc21439 daysIsr4tzijnrBmUnO2bS436 daysg5i cY24 0gu2OE436 daysChZyMYrhw WbVdQYeHX436 daysaiDyXouyp Vt8rDT436 daysDY9cirUK8 EWySyI435 dayss1XNpjlaCHF3sFa435 daysyDa3EF RcPs4aUtfMc9 hJn1lKrzJ434 daysgDELaR KzAcnUyAD427 daysAirTt6gtI Lf2RsaT5s424 daysrxaefNQRK iYEiqY7Ub1gZ dkBQZG409 days0R1r 62Qoi404 days2r7BSqXD SIyOy K67uPU91WHVH105 dayspoWNGODF ODYVvIH 4nUT3 PMp M61ra QwMz POW105 days
This list does not include portals where QQYOO was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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