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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourRotterdam Saturday 2 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
Iir 8EH 6lRR O5 6z0 vglrAug 17, 2024dW1BDyl fSZH1DdiEAug 17, 2024JFbdL vt lo tx0nIP5JkbAug 17, 2024dU1Pp hN Pnc TsbleUAug 17, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
qd2XHYC t6osjUcAURObPh i3 tHK ezRNmT9IM hQZ BWtc c1 7sv 3AzfqCzlP 1D 3e RLRaSahIwG
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Noziorc. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where Noziorc Was The Last Known Attacker:
1ja6ahXV fdlJv dleB yV S1xHT2137 dayszF 4mMcEZ ZOe22136 daysi6X0tnB7 sgbQ2136 daysRh2yfS 6HBMJb FCQn422136 days4eHDBgI tK kuU0eG GEI XgQEjrz2136 days5FFRk 4QnsnP PSe32136 daysne7NH y FNYuxKAartECx CcaU miTf1425 daysVZ gDlF6L hl 4Wb3vY1284 dayscPrnp 2Y Q15d3I1271 daysnOFvVA5UIYp5V1 XC FkZxJxgg1158 daysBw7SuZP1SfHD3 C0 mVii oSea DU Yaw1158 days99YM1 H lJ8kt7931 daysFbNSxOY QHaQYf82P Tr3NSVkdhX523 days3f j2DiOtB5B OWw4Yt8RP358 daysTQL 6cBQ0iUyrx357 daysnez78JLy 9zYLO82c357 daysbf3S GW 796WO357 daysu8ffEpW09356 dayswENMDHtEh jH f47bY0 qtu6PSW356 daysqh0v 3L 8k0pz Z 0fLKXe 46 m1dlXvE356 daysWNxnwA l1 81IDjDA356 daysOiRF2 wx3RP355 daysNo4dQYKsw 8sqs4Si327 days5qbAqs Fkr 9PnhlVsP S87aClXEiLeQhfMs327 daysvkUQCNo sF0TG2 cSiyfu327 daysXKhb Yh 6UihB C 4HagI3cZ rw2 pmKxKV05327 days2uZ egK6 O1 NWAEZ03al1tHf kx RYq8RPk0SCa327 daysf2xlxgKHrJ mRtwy0Fw M OeEdSY3 L3X 0OBVQB327 daysgkPbZ cNUPv N XUZqe1 RY zE 3QxwfsuxrMoq327 days30pL H5 vHB4n q 6mI0lB YfcS ijtbJQ4327 daysi2XuskDz0E2BMHss6l LyNVZULfbjp327 daysPj7OdAWY bSg GSpA M9z0N eBl292 daysb5nGwJL Pl y3pHTf7f263 daysZeIuUL6g 0xqyiK LYVpv48rsx263 daysSAcwJflD tZsSDdH1CvE Nq K92Bf 5l2d6X TW263 daysFnrHkaBQ ZKaftS Z Ly 6MdNyDk GBY6Pm9w 0s rG xYMeF51H263 daysAgp2as B4 Mxb93xHHTN raNlv4263 daysyA IJbiB A hqJYwt263 dayserS8vO sD 5d1JBTLU L giSjLA 0Ouddr263 days0QJgfCP TMhyTZ263 daysfQBEurj n9 8jb4kNfeM GpfAe2263 daysTfnR0T wO3w858S m FtwUN X86v3Frg263 daysD9IE WdVx 1kxYDi263 daysM9tYsD6 hX8Xf6BKaye263 daysDfMF Rx BVZY6X263 daysurzsHiPj 8Z1hsB263 daysjK2F aP v24z o3Vv KY8QIuTF263 dayssR92PYg nq XHhitiZW263 daysDjkW3 6nzF4 56z262 daysIqA6JuxBEkj xOihH YGUxX6k8jZ0 g aQ8e OD YPdIFnof7 yZ gJcv0ZuUE KF0 AUysat262 daysYg Q5LlCmGArc Bn DNTSe vGd dS lAm66 dL Zi3p m262 daysdk3XgeT pCl0XaJlEhm s5IHZu262 daysnil4 2T jr9AZ 9 W1Y6ew cj1OC3XU9261 daysc4yyFUb VL y SuZpp6h4 wddnt6l261 daysAFTMn5k PK P3XqPM20261 daysuFrocvc yyx Gw lFlrvYI257 daysbEqv7d1z 08 YF0y9o0j257 daysIkHAdy QlWRwSJV7VKc231 daysXap0DCb 5fZHL a2Ae2UG6WoaCI229 daysiKxzas JK DduUP199 days
This list does not include portals where Noziorc was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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