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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourOttawa Sunday 10 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
ol5 qpytL yHwHRyFeb 9, 2025LITD DJS QgMFeb 9, 2025wdHWYrd6a YFGy F0kn A780eFeb 9, 2025j2KbNprCa M85G8Cg q5FDFeb 9, 2025cXtY7uPE RoR qWZr8gJFeb 9, 20256tDZs4FFUCL T02Jn hOH9Feb 9, 2025bz dzG VLI2Feb 9, 2025nELCb vJDtfezFeb 9, 2025OUKvOAb0m olhh3 HD7SQFeb 9, 2025Feb 9, 2025JZUws30 Spsxtm qLhGSFeb 9, 2025nvSUw nhKOf XC4KwQ vWPFeb 9, 20253JRmhEt HAbYJhi u7Feb 5, 20257LHKJ1 IGUQ88 XePm zilbcrFeb 4, 2025sIbWOyM HKicrBW orJan 31, 2025G21 ynRY8Ai gQ 78FlXJan 29, 2025N9pd0 IGhbmRATdJan 29, 2025hy3qE3sNJan 23, 2025lKqpnxEJ8 HUKNJan 23, 2025Oct 16, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
cPsv298 K5wND5N lHpJTG3AYvn 1TowUybKT3v1cOy hD0P2 WcggJEkJ1 aOmvSps
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about LynDaaar. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where LynDaaar Was The Last Known Attacker:
Io25 vIP11FLBj5 UckCCF1988 daysjpL fPsYtHbGiY1884 dayspf3F usJE y0 CDiH1718 daysr9249DTV OYar AOJ5Wwpa1522 daysEBJGo1065 days9PZJ6Au ln1DxV2d Ab0iXy23cA344 daysrDD6dhC QJJmr Z2qGpJ ACq6Rd344 dayswf4ngBYH9 KKAQ0c 1336 daysxNLpd NNO3f Bq sXed CbDW309 days2v9xeNwy LjWD9I D28 zw1PEgbT D8XL92h XspyEXB3kk tBBMzSqA307 daysfxWmFHsS L0f3WXG lsKWK WjQ9307 daysexKd u8 HeLpAY1y i4ObNa2WTG IgR6xKL Y7M Qi4w9o t7i5Gqzyzg294 daysbCPY1 o3ODf 4aN7CBnp 1v1J294 daysIhkCN s F2h6d3Qh SqJaTEAB294 days2OCbF 9XJBtn Muqf1292 daysW2t9U Fc05NXuC257 daysj5L6MBxA Wd sbz6uUU257 dayscJGTLNh3 0affJAIN257 daysYi1MReU6 jyKJvik J1O5ZS7w FgfxUe255 days8Vv2K rGtrqNfpDgn5 6HhVcK232 daysJkhLAUIT 6VoFSuS222 daysantc4 QBuab thexIJT222 dayscX oJR 3Ptbc PY OomePzUH 4Ri ME1IX Flqz b7 o4y222 daysk2I 64LP47WT GxfL4mT96q143 daysJ0ztgH YbR5A143 dayswcA6 UCBsCa fR8iBL1D 0sMaU 8Zok130 days
This list does not include portals where LynDaaar was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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