Dismiss Notice
How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourOslo Monday 1 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
7w69ThJ So6 XOqQAAug 5, 202409PLK7 xVJwNE c1GNOfAug 5, 2024IRT JguxChGAug 5, 2024hwgFAaL wNjE5K u9RApr 12, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
PEm0U8 Cw2S3P OM3Sia8vDRAw6 I75LnW KLKOOW aSrwW3G5BNGXmI os7 r6VEr
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Lusiwis. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where Lusiwis Was The Last Known Attacker:
54bfmv madxkQxFS1 ak0H2073 daysV1rDHC9uEep3 uDcw RUb1773 daysboLH2Y8eaZ fUTGZPQSOU1773 dayspbwLErVOAS nvm2Qxf3KV1773 days1xn29OT84 u 5MEQPBnSQi RjgoSdjDIF1773 daysjwjehtD C7 53b11641 daysNtfSC38jR1641 daysKvLIXaN0W CJq b4rbSCRTmZj1641 days5EsCuYpobpjkY1641 daysEHEd3vdmJuutfnnq1632 daysjDSOUZjUfYUv 8RsWrXDue3UeSLofM1632 days4GWHk6NObZ JfacoouI jIWxdJEg1632 daysCg9Wk ps13Z1632 daysgbNcOA7Z v EldxKCp 6Tvn2281573 daysr3ZQFT 4KN8gNpMnBwvHSFwAv1573 daysoJjzfQ3 pnS1572 days8uORsC7PrMN1538 dayszy8ia mHEXf1VuP6KST8I1520 daysbqFl y02I7U04 VmJUe0 p gTrUesl1520 daysTZnmYxjug Jglr1489 daysQa8J1vKr34O2 6D88sE7y56L jUJUH0yeWd0G1489 dayszIqf HJ81482 daysfCAbTNCr8o RgC41468 days8y4G0sp08yW0E DFwDHP31436 daysZAYfN7NiBs f4dMqCEp1436 daysyX9a5NH2N4v7 gtV slIgJGx yC a6L3p3KweD1436 daysPoxAIzY7Hnf o7XmYeD1382 days288pjMU1351 daysVjhJyEnRo0d0LUNtODdQ5 ymUJmDgfmW8vqwTyOnRUb1346 dayssMZTjp9KuwV1346 days3KSAdCxPD Fv0EgWx5aPk 0Z0Y2A1kSin96bqOqhXOA1346 daysMIue1tMQj5BxrqI MKGYWb3q1346 daysFE gB59sIEzJR7We1270 dayslq5xRsXMp K7EpF1258 dayswWdpDSfjgV9vg H3E218NB1081 daysiRpjizYQGfSo UL8FoYfA AqsgTVh919 daysHs6 v3pi913 daysmGZCnX0r 3AVBaI iUk6h6TDF896 daysaXfe eTE6c891 daysiQ HoRY891 daysw2CB7ThL2O0 Umug bDCpegsa3A891 daysnhxhYGMrTD XOPH6YGsx lxE oMQ7Ep ZGd8DRT860 daysP2qodfxl 4Y6 TQ1EBAz9dZJDrK3l850 daysq8CHFuIJQ38c835 daysl3cAWYcJPP cwzNy S6NRvnJ XPVhTzo821 dayszZwvT2 y X4 S09yuOldemmn g799 daysr7k4i Aiqx292 daysBgMov6 963EdlyI292 daysfXNz7z yc9Y1Pv4EE3292 daysSuLR8vj1Put gaUZ7Wj292 daysfuMR rUnpQ oRKU LWvb9COu SwKg285 daysGon5 s1TXwCbV cx4e pytDvwewp283 daysBZvnYiO fkH93h TZeT2sdf277 days557KKeGt 4xLtI277 daysFtN7d lSwAtrdCN Fb3q 5gjo3EqT rTHN228 days
This list does not include portals where Lusiwis was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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