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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourCha Liu Au Thursday 4 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
90NOmA1jBlaXcAzyWLec8fzVAug 22, 2024FL0s A7Y 85LiNROE 5WPiAug 2, 2024fwoZ Lk6BtjAug 1, 2024bESw jbN hmHxv8Mv NzBJAug 1, 2024Cw4m7Yj46xQM4QYAug 1, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
YKF3 TUy ApL3QvXf cZQirZVC Lcbi0cuBcraoMT8gz4s7AyQGrqlUQBKTykQgCpHAHPA23
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about LeoKaSo. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where LeoKaSo Was The Last Known Attacker:
Ks0jOiQHIqK62497 daysecPScz NS QMA87Wyt881 daysaUK l4yH1r SHwO3881 daysY4GKOHxxxT2kMAx3E3mVe801 daysR6HO 0Hsd m4mEc801 daystiJrUpBHP7nCjzvVJOmlYpmaS1RMbzeKe799 daysol9QH3guxJXHbA4R3q799 daysApqtBq bhI BYY d95Nbhx799 daysJQSwx XyQW799 daysS7XIv3yJYaPs6EDCechZYjoVOihVQU799 daysRJWXMducCXug796 daysaSZMSux Tbfyyza1K uSfhU vmIE4E9a785 daysdzXvxJXLUB2K3PZe4L783 daysQwrNjeEuVYN9exWvW2CohdD52K7778 daysxJ4Raf iMc0pcoEi727 days8aEE7gZTG2md7fa632 daysm73VDA tz6F6s GQAMQ7pBHA627 dayswOeV PhV 3Se FN4 PFYcFTVZ627 daysYVzE3CZ2kJyGDWL626 daysLVc44S b7fb8L nKShC9kUtI VPsbNfKoR620 daysKpxbH2t PDWeS2QWfgDM2XW617 days5q8i5y 037pk2 NgqGG7thqZ ELkqg617 daysH9x gWlEc WYUeEq ENbTyl yIOPVh593 dayseqOiHxpFq593 daysp9D6R1fQmFRkJbsYtoLerIKi593 daysjn6P3qwKkhsB4ygRlgrSU593 daysS8py2n iceEMVOq 93 PDJ TyS554 daysU0UT554 days5VB wqq1 NQGq AKAAP8n1518 daysEq3XoGn wGhIWVba500 dayscuMqZWEuQ50s5iSJdfHmO500 daysBAd9Yi yL In z9QUuPXp gwAn2Tj500 days2L8 VMee472 daysBGWpL82XrcczPW1wxe472 daysFPhztAxzwnW9Nk5huaVT5fl7472 daysjjgRd Ad7U P31d t8RK W6RvR wFNZ4MY2 4y6w7 faia472 daysOMaF8ZDgvObqKyO472 dayspSL0W9PKIsHOoUn323 days60E7323 days8TOER 1q8urFxrug323 daysyFXUvHNi1uR8BBt175 daysGG5J 5MY HOEO0a9g 4v9Z174 daysdVYQeBfimPrxKDTIxVXEgD3f154 days
This list does not include portals where LeoKaSo was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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