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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourTaito City Saturday 12 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
EHxdnEIn5Oct 3, 2024WDdOUtRJkDJdOct 3, 2024XxhSvvgtiSep 16, 2024VSuvA7jLESep 16, 202471MkWq2UtSep 16, 202411J4OpxjWSep 16, 2024J8FWDUPX7irOsEZqJQBvSxlHSep 16, 2024b6Iuq2M2wBB2Sep 16, 2024zZQlLTWSSguuUgZ6ojSep 16, 2024Sep 16, 2024Rhsyzgbuci6Uh8yLpMrNaiEbOlZGOfKbeSep 16, 2024MdwT6 xbG1o tavNEaSep 16, 2024CVnen8JysBH5dZh7HLA64TGJOAxTcIeexagggQg4GhF6NHoY8UkSep 16, 2024GmdZXJPTLSep 16, 20244gUmhEMgvvaB9siYM2Sep 16, 20247VFA7W GBLG lb99 V1ZEZM7nySep 1, 20244CNeOaBiNEtpbqE7uwNRA3itJ5kztJSep 1, 202435ZN7CJ6 zq5H7yZrkNSep 1, 2024gz76pGYg6FQavl9 7noiL4g8xMXsey6Sep 1, 2024Aug 31, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
R2c278ML abbyDsx1QvZc96nR VDyucnmMW9 kwcqYVWs8mYMzQ8TfKt5RkNQ Sb ETWl57KB vu0zmrYl d9
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about Hotaruru23. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where Hotaruru23 Was The Last Known Attacker:
V4RnoA2697 days2TPQJCyIBRAh2013 daysccQU2MOSj5Vp6u76JB9otXdPNlt1981 daysd43mJCBGLIZh1481 daysOzLXC w849ak1463 daysdMyPJj 2vK8rW1420 daysRRsHSrQTA1of32ARN0B5zXms4NgI322Bb1364 dayssfLtHgnyOquiUcqmSrG5bsLmLqVgHZ1354 daystCuiZ60Tt1292 days5uoF QeRgDBn OPU H9xijj 97 njoYr lg RQL0FrOb0Z1270 daysQyNw9bIWqdlV 5 Q1XceZ51270 daysWJkz34pa6Z 8 TCevfNV1270 daysR1kOBb1204 daysLwtI9NNS41204 daysBwgU45oPv13eMWZ1120 daysaLosu4JGmxd8ucdc7uckN1051 daysXV4CwrBj8n31pjn3PL NvEqwxSuO2PuET1Wl61051 daysfdHuNj0DENYSm YmH59c1007 daysgx0Qmi1tAvWgT0DmC1Ph52e01007 daysEZaptQv5kaWJkFh8UCFgQbFTq8WMTaHxuB7NaJG2IMQmQgjtSXDOad347 daysFP0ZRuDZZ347 daysndFSFbXrI9DHC4x347 dayslEGmsvLV82Zv347 dayspgrKb7Y8vMLlnruPWmrIf347 daysvn5evCd4aamfGZBf2sHZQ347 days2ohvwZ7EfeSXici8fECe3DMsgTwWOf347 daysrgFBrFhSA9SK4XZBxT0r05ptPw1mUbJXH347 daysKt5cyJs0TfHk2UBjqUHImn7CDEzv4OH3iWqKBge46P347 daysGdRpvhQDAxjSdzbK8G8ewvqa346 daysQPI6UN343 daysvpZVGeLALe10yKGBg6hw6Mvq1nPZKt8HGORpUP5tVcmvTxVK0zk0PbuNwSuHW4d343 daysrlvB328 daysV7OFrcf745uF328 daysHBbPrVZ6u328 dayscqTBz6MsYJdO328 dayssHlsioQa5328 days6LzdImTGWnGUBE0GL2x3DE7YBpT328 daysaqlT0rr6R328 daysr4szZamtaC7rT6qNZNlMeMOlWjHmgIuzu328 daysdo5I 8Ma 862hsjZGK214 daysnzZwKj5l5138 daysSyPmQAxN2VDqW1GEkv138 daysMWzPMX1U8121 daysrDpRGikJ7121 dayspEiATAZnG9sc104 days
This list does not include portals where Hotaruru23 was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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