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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourChūō-ku Thursday 5 AM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
FRKivfIeI5E6Sep 26, 2019
- Most Attacked Portals:
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about GOGO777. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where GOGO777 Was The Last Known Attacker:
7nKFmXANkWBKj49wPM2bcuwgwTh3038 daysnTZyBnovFATSuXCa40uLEOM23038 daysd3ANwQX558ZXulu0ZJ86jkjbPA53038 dayspKXCvQ4uqxKtOF8QSi4W18yx3038 daysWj0a16jRERwazLnTksZYVmG13038 dayseCRlFVzugLDp7u4H5fPqZ3038 daysaqb8anhLizwJGGMiiBHsKRt7nDJAhN3038 daysq42xl4NQtvyCw1QPObp5HUYCTcf46JQJ4w4Aq3hx5soEU3038 dayse0NwEbk0LMvlmrNt2V9ct3038 daysOV40MSEwu7ZU3038 daysBAE8dvx0tQrapGfrZvtby4qlKpvcl53038 daysh35O2WNTJ3016 daysRwBHKjgY1ASiDLdvQxAAQQw23016 daysE9nRWh9Nb2815 dayshl7seD3dEb8u2191 days
This list does not include portals where GOGO777 was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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