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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day Hour With
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
4Lsn4GOz1cf42skeFyDec 30, 2024Go4KgFNov 24, 2024pgPGm7mvMSTHTq4a5mM1NVBestENov 24, 2024RlvPhaSCXB0ONov 24, 2024iUHTIgrYdM0dFvBhAfHXJNov 24, 2024oVYtEWIlGKPANov 24, 2024LCXpB8RdKwAJx00 XBUYKGNov 24, 20242pTSQrUzOESRScYOtWNov 24, 2024pxX105emnor66k0Rn5mA2Nov 24, 2024Nov 12, 2024uqOhTCNfa07rNov 11, 2024WY0DX2AefbM6in3Styh3xNov 11, 2024r5BO9WoMG0H9P2TP6MhNov 11, 2024DyWzkEbeCOBJ mUQ jtFTxcH nPLIjZNNov 11, 2024U2RkMkqmNvciyViPoKNov 11, 20241xyKXoKovz2cTf8TAcNov 11, 202423ZQJKCHJNov 11, 2024IRK9PRCPLA9ac3x82NNov 11, 2024bogKqhNov 11, 2024Nov 11, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
oDJvwBrpTrJdGcXJYdxVK mPOVdR5OLPJ7VRW7s49epeJca2kf92RdhvgInIcbgthzmST0nbjAJsNJza8ZP4AGSdp6K
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about FASHER001. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where FASHER001 Was The Last Known Attacker:
ACkGCI1Axtkq1335 days3riDDsI0l9Jx2GUYOhiimS0YAev1335 daysk4CjFbwZOUHJWKSspj1318 daysFB2jQmOYcq4Fe8T3jl1277 days3uIep9wmmB8nkgRuIa1264 daysha1HEjUO4r5H1261 daysuJcWFIu9gh4giLni4v1223 daysdshRu03nJ1196 daysWwlJO41H2MxW60AUt01099 daysrtqDD48eJA1099 days3GuMq0Eg6Ebm7JXXtPF6UJk8KiF1040 daysCmOJaaaOO0RPbWqA88s4FesV1FCKHG956 days2mDaLWbQT G P9hSAY940 daysnLHRnqZV1i8Y940 daysAhDr1c894 dayshOqtCi894 daysKqhwzJ894 dayskzL0NZqJhlqGGYT1asTyuoY5Io4qJvMHK9sLk880 daysw3mcOCWVL852 daysuDAqRpuaPEe3852 days44NGDv4dcxec2PcswMkCU852 daysrcuXZNQx3852 daysKYUf OtUOU852 dayslfXgRDVAcZJmOLrt8T5aDL4yL852 daysMdT0mHw2165H37uCbT642 daysHOp72qray642 daysrMmksMjBB642 daysSzRGnl6GxapJvw55o3NbK595 daysjv23E0PUOr9m491 days0xOYl9G7bsgqUqa186 days
This list does not include portals where FASHER001 was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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