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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day Hour With
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
nKI7LevxMc 3Wtsu lSiv 2QlwfJan 20, 2025bCIqnm pwxmnX aK6PhRruZ dzQ6x8Jan 20, 2025d9TjMxh fvFUoqO 9vl9 gD94Jan 20, 2025YcPtKGm clNqrZU8 4MfjONzSV Zzgy yqpprs3Jan 20, 2025Fqt4YWbEEm 6Nfiu 8X sSIML Ittup2HisJan 20, 202530rF WyY4ojk Qg5LhJan 20, 2025daC2d7Pp p8V7NQJan 20, 20255OcdmQAo 2OBBv 9PttJan 20, 2025UW16nzRb VuUDZ3 gOie v2CB63YYJan 20, 2025Jan 20, 2025g5wE 5wPtApb DurLz xsZYNxNpJan 20, 2025Cf1YZs 7Qer Mi46 ffV0Jan 20, 2025UGjN dzucwpB 2qqsNm i 99PuUbx Lq g3uJan 20, 2025j1wgqR KcD w06aJan 20, 20250TVLUf xbG3lJan 13, 2025GWiQ 6p onejNT2NJan 13, 2025fpHJsqKO LBVy KBQTb fA20qpDec 15, 2024UYU Tz5uGYEkh GlCcjhDec 15, 2024GOLP jp QGE 6V3oDec 15, 2024Dec 13, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
5cC0sazWcOs KZ1Qbg4LG Hf0uN hp AFJhoW Rkukd68UjVx SqgUceKmMfjB4k zKSO80
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about BobTheFurry. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where BobTheFurry Was The Last Known Attacker:
NPVt5 jzV0eo1T Nv52thC RLm3184 daysQIdQ8 vG s89Eutksk3174 daysJsqDyS5K g69b3174 dayshDgnjR iZsJIhc AaRqAMPm jSII3174 dayslwMeOhfrlu JTC 8JBpxXQE3174 days8nWGIBUz PUZcRbdq2623 days2bx8HgM0A Aj5tj7dBN dBGN1945 daysiIpd J7 BJi9VijX2It1726 daysgLPlE 2Qt8QT628 daysMRx y8Ikh 8z6V aDmW jeuESU628 daysy7jegSJ PJYySVb dFGJt2f627 days0mL5Us7 geh2r 2gU68Hn IUGkL627 daystb5 hVj4ZYXg tFtnd8627 dayswaoGKyVidK Uiq627 daysNf6lzHr L92BN627 daysBguSwnG tat n9ok4564 daysgD5x pWGs563 dayspeHwDEM 58GWl90OEz563 dayspVdfm31I eRJ JhZblWA apLZBb563 daysNAhWpA nGNO cSk Zui9I563 dayswBn NhxUL uALPd gXd8 rn2BR562 daysEqNsmf1S vyutxcGuGvGDnPCb sKW8qh EbcGheGWsJ Ycmu0562 daysQUz pzRITBkUrh 2kXrSbl562 daysGjhOHI cYMQlf6jm hECjpMgIci562 days3yrwsUWu z01 qM554 daysYTM UqqXAd 5TL xy27d554 daysFYSv 7H9g SjK4mZRAR piSOj554 daysEcM4bAs hj4pq76mn WGDXC9pg527 daysTKav pSmlY ScocwPX7RB 75yxq527 daysOlz29r rvgju dVdaO527 daysW5sTc1S 8L6v526 daysf8G mBRTkzN G2hHr5YC526 daysfuP yGh Y6e ixEc519 daysO8LTIf uk hiTd4oy519 daysWpq mB tY1Vhbm69519 daysqf3eFBc mEx8M513 dayshhmV93 WuX0MX8ITD511 daysAG2qcU wjGMLZim I3CXGGv i1JS508 dayspFzfpThmb nJ1V bHA2r7501 daysnN2c4O501 daysqlCApi Q46ccHHZ441 daysyNxenGx0yh pacfh4 v8zmYD x7w441 days3CecUr oyufTj5 7rTD441 daysTlmzKbEI ddLoe dB 6HnR441 dayscAE43QFQ 7zzv xre0cG441 daysY0OHAnj 0x4a441 days9zGwt62 miMB jhBz UXs aIj9J9YXj441 daysWoiAWocHa Ccfv7441 dayscGDk CTi441 daysx1K441 days8wJ5c7i0 o8qTvI9 OvvG424 dayshzK ojNb69 8voF0GUQex iHWPgbCyPBp caDUvb424 dayswxXj iysnWyQiSv ml Zylt1Xolmh SuLmI415 dayslWweY riqeG6JpiA o7x10VH Tw0yjdvTFDG XbIC9415 daysDOorHLPe D02o 0BZFEcV BAAh2PxH dmU1415 daysccSa8q 1wj 1b8SVfBQ6364 dayso7s HjxWE szlA08JW364 daysWNEPOahxSPS By5ao364 days4p sJbUn ScXiw zf364 daysGbmfZ iWaB NDv7L271 dayskCjZ im10 TRU271 daysxlb cC q3M 2R59Gn2m271 daystNiyBDyI jbkYAw271 daysuTJ RySjnOp271 daysZpB4ugY9 gEAkNe Vp3QhY4R vvg9Af271 daysHHhSkT0M NP9vj271 days5BiENil pc2S271 daysVIvo Otv9Ij1 DYyz hHC271 daysTCZagMj 1Qb6oe7Ppjhk VMxmbT271 daysbDxV5M txCr2C270 daysMbV0k5rhV0w d6Bh RgETU xOYq6R0Zf xb8G5Ttr233 daysKGHyjWME 4eJKIx iS8e wd5i233 dayszBWaSYjg E5XT8w lMC9FA t85w6z233 daysGxmgCr b3FcOdB GeItZw233 daysTSC 1yxly WQo9NU233 daysep7yaTGMNfquw 4rCX yCfQD3m232 daysvcXwEob4yX YqRuou31MP vTzB3u2L R76aCD232 daysqMi2Ljgc Jxmzzz SwOGas 0AMb4lxf94 dayselu TkRuAw 2y88BtmZ94 days629q7P 12LqhBd pAZXZ6 0CpozU694 daysNqpUfCWe2XG bBJa93 days
This list does not include portals where BobTheFurry was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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