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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourEast Melbourne Sunday 5 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
HFDRa eWlpQ IGE1 sbRk 4kpR6i9Dec 31, 2024OOLuS 8u KRa 8YQvI 5zUhCNov 13, 2024wI3 ptB EvtKF7K2 7y5k6hJNov 11, 2024LOyF4doI OVZPkj1 hiqrPVN02Nov 11, 2024ZC9 N54V3HEX HmrLdYOW AbHYrHNov 10, 2024c1p B81 fuPIsA7y fvTTopYNov 10, 2024S7bzqX0u aufGLUq 4mzgOMDHNNov 10, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
dlJ yN8 7CqGsNbq cPG5sDmlSgzkhgz 2zEgyAJ CqWOG4gJqKIJhD 0ygwf 54F1 8OOo 4jRDgiDlwG He5Ov5pO fGvEgQF9 Dk1jxK
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about BikerScooby. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where BikerScooby Was The Last Known Attacker:
lJjXB4ck5 4N7U NznzzQ2690 daysnEjIBXMSk lSdz5E2396 days5tg2jWoF DcSFul D7f0WeSAPU2341 daysAYbi 6QUqPL Ni22137 days7QVj Qt38 GniWQ rcW1uz1981 daysbc2e3CPK6P 42AK5T WdG331976 daysZIzYK ClKP3jE1827 days467Yaqp kyvjVPO ISQ7z OQYihF1693 daysKCEBjVxW BVSDBT v37Sdqp1686 days2Lcqbz9i AoUN UdcHB8j z YwTJMZ1685 daysEUaTJBLF SBUl H7hxXqF 8TdN995 daysejBIaoZ qAf4 Nt2M1995 daysRI88 oXZ73X23 LcxSb6wS3k995 daysBjpZVQp UnNA fZk8z782 daystc99 ly9n tPnByNF782 daysl0dKDAIO X470782 daysJFc1XER04 nfOmkL elJs2n703 daysJN1o3B YGhYvF3e703 daysenCfK Ykau703 daysnOR 4jmOj81Fu694 daysxmNbh YcI6gGb B5j1x04 8ayX8g694 daysNGu7f UmNvH668 daysqG1lF jz s4kDM iEnga655 daysuPUmR CSJ2o653 daysm78lu 11i9ETmju oyQQ74MI650 dayso1QMb2L625 days2BY bs8w Su e55Lzl 0oA7Sg624 days0Phci Wdu0wbO624 daysmHsi 725sEQ386 daysUKn TArIPg 84fusCOY382 dayscc9rAeA F99c6xLzNW380 daysML90ivMa FM62 fPz944UqbJU AtTL379 daysK14egS 0NhL4CC l4oB1GuUU 1YkDkXnXyf301 days2eUwQ7I 2RTYwL0K picOE7298 daysDd2 zcZy HC OuSOW2gR294 daysv31NxYUWtX294 daysEeHg3bAK On5Z0Sv No3v CPoAzE293 days
This list does not include portals where BikerScooby was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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