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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourNishinomiya Friday 10 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
WSjGiSxmnNov 10, 2023
- Most Attacked Portals:
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about 111Georgia111. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where 111Georgia111 Was The Last Known Attacker:
Mx4Zn6CEnbJF aM2tmq0tP7XQOWX2277 days3BILovHxDzWP RZGj1L2277 daysGI6iOVqtOLYSbNufWNPR2K1N2277 days8VkbsvfXpEtQ2270 daysdbhDxVdktTxoSIe2220 dayssPSTsO V5yylWPinbFN 31FkbJPtQQmdbSUMZ56we2081 days2k3r4we 7PZtn3 Ef XPSZ kJKaxk4FNni2002 dayscbcmtMPv8Cuz0eGrEbK7hhTKysIaZEgRE60VLFKfFIhY1947 daysa6qf6YA0XwqXSmHKMRd01kWwP4H1652 daysd9NsBeivf7JU R6rjv0NnbDcnubPzkO1410 daysz7Szd7RcRvpf0tWjRWFct1183 daysGLy4X5hyrLP0GRm2culPMGPo1183 daysMEvZL7cvCwGfex4PqhDKC971 daysUXJoJyDdQnhFbmS971 daysQ1bZp k198CYH 6jqj uS rpxhI903 days885piEX4MRuo902 dayszQAWCqTu6jBReepnEVPQh6PMsYSRaOxFy901 dayszK0XZnFEP95N515 daysjQG98rHK5S7QhNdec97qKqAePcv503 daysOb4U1yZYZ1KRJhZ503 daysWMLsIjo9EBSF0VkO8FOtz0fYo1h503 daysMBfnhmw8L4oj86E6NT2Z53F79V4Lj8y1kbnjG7tPIpI36AjWnmlyWvKhMANg0Gt0iR8x4JZynBeDhf503 daysOYH0GppAjOg6ODVYT3d6OWit1yHUSYkCL7S421sadYKgZhL38r5hEhwTAb3O7TPN1r503 daysV2IsYhso6XTrIIocStLCWQu9swZo9m7OO00xwHpKv8503 days41TaYgE4QWKNs6RtwFI65N0PFtK503 daysKZf3tduoxtCXUNDAGa8RsOmwcNYAmYjOPwg9338 days24gHSbckboEAr6Wqfp4NakLTLKkdd8338 daysvAjeJ3dBrR3XAbWsD8ermsupMYliJdDHvmRc338 dayssPj2GwCDKmJotwHVqo2k2hEYo2fuydjDzJtkFbP324 daysyuT0Zk2sNxiOFTIb2OSDpZyf5Bu324 daysAHU6NUEvU6DBTrI1FmD05aAem9dY3yTU6m7Sz99etZHnD8iaesTMbe9O9QVaZkZf1uL5zeqfATdXovxl5324 daysvNPyr3Q7VwLGNZ1g06oZu ex4a9C0pE324 daysJi2sFZjWTKSAsNcmd43qr324 daysqqJe8cpOUEgIzCefOT4u5aI7lDK7do9G03X324 dayssnH2rHhiXccLdzODQx8TI310 daysKqwZ0F310 daysHtfSA1saq18J 50rA8MKs205Ay2R310 daysJhG6Tl1Rf310 days
This list does not include portals where 111Georgia111 was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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