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How Does This Work?
You create a free account and set a Gmail filter to forward your Ingress email damage reports.
The damage reports are processed in realtime into the Outgress analytics and alerting engine.
That's the short version.
Is This Allowed?We believe so, but you decide.
But My Secret Data!No one on the opposing faction cares who on their team is attacking you. Do you care who on your team is attacking opposing portals?
- Play Tendencies:
Where Day HourCharleston Saturday 2 PM
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Recent Ingress Activity:
FVIG7 3ODMWPZyt G2Y5PFxve8 ILvCGWAHJun 30, 2024TrEJSqqJun 29, 2024Mux T2ehdNmf NOnznlJun 29, 2024Aszc Ff asurC5fzJun 29, 2024udtRPdbgX KBzJun 29, 2024Lvp Am7Y 0NmjCJun 29, 2024mIQ lRZoC9KdZ FfrKMUL E5n5M3hNJun 29, 2024HqNkmnfk lSHX4GJun 29, 2024hRE olH VVoW4 UCuT ZduQg8Jun 29, 2024Jun 29, 2024RXA9 zs3GmD BNFknLvJun 29, 2024tN WIn0J QJ01hKJun 29, 2024tP7baQ nKU1w iDNoTiaJun 29, 2024nCchZG guyelXo FMBFToJun 29, 2024VvYw4 AgML BdN sFVVk9zJun 29, 2024Nkq B5nM FaAooT3BJun 29, 2024axa4m8 NXadaqF vb v2yk1Jun 29, 20240j9Xx rxHzC 7j4qGDJun 29, 2024gCxrg1P mc xMxuRJun 29, 2024Jun 29, 2024
- Most Attacked Portals:
PmyP D5Ao QlHlhrO zhZv1 hUWZZPEq TvO7qEVz m222iUM tW6Gz0C SZhHU
- Historical Activity:
This is not exhaustive information about gorizza. The information is based on Ingress email damage reports from participating agents.
** Some portals blurred until you log in.
- Portals Where gorizza Was The Last Known Attacker:
jMmXVsxY t hO8vk168 days8nuT M7i Xi5 afEpvnV yi h9rExYhQfGN sn rA8YG VXz eHQl80 daysd3T 24N mQYNM9 JsxCWCef80 daysQsa 7HiofY1w F7VY81 POJR45Z380 dayswwwx5f 6ojuUShp nXd2e bmZn80 daysuzuRNK2 NDwvVtE na8ji80 daysnj8 5mFpe vaaf8Tzd XC80 daysw Z50VlId zM4sQ80 daysgd4KV3 cWjN3Mvg D2280 days4kMLdRD8 lDHjW2VJ fdD080 days9KMmah M3C IyM2U80 daysIxo qXqPT96waDr hGta80 days5ZyR 7vP1 9SYIc80 daysQHt gecR1 EyjOq XL ZQKS0iQ u2ZhpsGo4c80 daysuQ0iL CZh6H WIRvAO80 daysUbHaqguS4mJ 8vi8n780 daysS2p1SkQ 4O JBJ7t80 dayshHe 2OwHR JUEMO80 dayswXG xa20 qoJcLgsV80 daysQnKdt2 0XRQieM z3 T77bn80 daysnLDkmm bl1F4Zq XiTIbn80 daysNIcuVkfu 9IMCME80 daysDHwXa 5Wqx FhU htPOFDi80 daysGv Rkx36 nEVNah80 daysi2O FqiWHQCDD G3Ws8qZ YcqeFy7E80 daysbnI uizL ZbxyU80 daysAT9AIV U6KkE QAaLPYv80 daysCN PcgF424d FQaHYb80 daysRR6j dLSeUd QCgbOGz80 daysGT1dmNWAB MEU80 daysc37 JGU Ci6mV 3RoO pBT0hN80 daysO89 73xUpxPP Kty0OK80 days3BwoTrL80 daysFVIh Uu L9zcOzNk80 daysv6FZV S6uHu6EtZ 6qSeJ363hs 0Ll49nIC79 days
This list does not include portals where gorizza was the last known attacker within the last 60 days.
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